Main Character hides his Strength Book 2: Demon Realm releases on Amazon Kindle on May 7th!

Hello everyone, been a looooong while since we made such an announcement. Almost 3 years in fact from the first book release. A lot of things have happened in between but today we are happy to type this. A lot of effort later, the book is finally ready for release and will be out on the 7th of May on the Amazon store. Just a week to go till it is in your hands!

Like for the first release we have decided to do a discounted preorder for our fans who have stuck with us for so long and have been nothing short of amazing. The book will retail for 4.99$(equivalent price in other territories) but in this preorder period from today till end of May 6th GMT time, you can grab it for just 2.99$ (and its equivalent price in other territories). Click here to visit the preorder page.

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Update on MCHHS Chapter 174

TL;DR – Here’s the chapter link that works

For some reason the site is having trouble. ISP is still troubleshooting the issue, and they have not discovered the cause.

HOWEVER, a workaround exists so you can still read the chapter. Trick is adding the extra ?/ after the chapter URL. Thanks for people that commented the solution. You came to that conclusion FASTER than the ISP who suggested I use /?nocache/ after the URL to force it to load.

I’m obviously using the solution suggested by a commenter. (:3)

Sorry for the wait, please enjoy this chapter. I think the content of this chapter will be VERY interesting for most people.

I will be continuing to work on fixing the link but I won’t be making any additional announcement on this specific chapter.


(Edited) Notice from GamjaLvL1

I am Minsoo ‘GamjaLvL1’ Kang.

I have been trying to get back into translating and administrating for OTL. I have variety of tasks that need to get done for OTL to operate normally. I am currently dealing with Short Term Memory loss, but luckily its most likely a non-permanent condition.

The reason why I worked on stories  meanwhile is to help me improve my memory, because translating without the aid of short term memory is basically impossible.

Thank you everyone for your positive support.

MCHHS 134 Announcement

Hey all

In my last chapter announcement, I had said that the chapter will release in 2-3 days but it’s almost a week and you all are probably wondering what happened? We have finished it it’s ready for release except for one little thing.

We found an inconsistency in the terms used in the raw chapter specifically related to God names. So we sent a message to the author regarding it and are awaiting his reply to fix it and post the chapter. We want to provide the best possible work and so didn’t release it yet.

The next chapter will also come with a term change announcement. We are changing 2-3 terms to make the terms consistent across ebook and website chapters. They are just about 3 of them I think in total. The change will be made across all chapters wherever they appear before.

Please be patient, thank you.

Main Character hides his Strength Book 1 is out!

Hey, everybody! No1oppa here

The book has finally been released across all regions:) You can get it here

Buy Now

Do rate and give it a review on Amazon and on our Goodreads page. It will help us a lot!

The book has been edited thoroughly and currently sits at a bit over 129k words from Prologue to Chapter 55 and contains 4 exclusive illustrations which were commissioned specially for this release. So it is THE definitive edition.

It’s been a tough July month for us as we pushed hard towards completing edits and various other things and I can’t tell how good it feels seeing the product of our love and labor being finally released.

I’d like to thank the team for bearing with my sometimes not so cool schedule, our patrons who have supported us through Patreon and Paypal which has helped us along these months to continue doing what we do and our readers (especially the ones who disable adblock :p) for being our audience (seriously without an audience all of this would have been meaningless) and lastly the Author for supporting us in this initiative.

We wish to provide the work in print and audio format someday. We can’t right now due to the massive expenditure that entails with it. So hoping for the best with the ebook! ^^