Master Hunter K Chapter 012 is out!

Hey everybody:) Here is another great release of Master Hunter K!

From today we will be releasing chapters of Master Hunter K every alternative day. Previously we had posted that we would provide 3 chapters a week but now we have decided on releasing a chapter every alternative day instead:) This actually means an extra chapter every 2 weeks compared to before ๐Ÿ™‚ Next chapter will be out on Tuesday then as per schedule:)

If you like our work then please consider supporting us with a donation:) It helps us buy the raws of the novel, pay for the upcoming website and provide you with more chapters of the novel as sponsored releases! If there is a sponsored chapter release in queue then it will be cleared asap:)


Chapter 012 โ€“ Ahennaโ€™s Forest (5)

Master Hunter K Chapter 011 is out!

Hello everybody ๐Ÿ™‚ We present to you another great chapter of Master Hunter K!

This is our 13th release and with this, we conclude the opening week daily chapter release. Our schedule will now be a chapter every alternating day instead.

If you like our work and would like to read more then please consider supporting us by sponsoring a chapter:) It will help us pay for the raws of the novel and our upcoming website cost:) Enjoy!

Chapter 011 โ€“ Ahennaโ€™s Forest (4)

Master Hunter K Chapter 010 is out!

Hey everybody:) Here is today’s release of Master Hunter K!

If you like our work please do support us through a donation so that we may be able to bring you more chapters of this fantastic novel and may be able to advance further in our goal ๐Ÿ™‚


Chapter 010 โ€“ Ahennaโ€™s Forest (3)

Master Hunter K Chapter-008 is out!

Hello everybody:) Here is today’s chapter of Master Hunter K! This our 10th chapter so a small milestone in a long journey has been achieved!

If you like our work do consider supporting us with a donation as it helps us to advance further in the goals we have set out to achieve! Enjoy!

Chapter 008 โ€“ Ahennaโ€™s Forest(1)

Master Hunter K Chap 007 is out!

Hello everybody:) We were very happy with how happy the readers were reading the novel. So we decided that the first week that is till this Saturday we will release 1 chapter daily for free and from the next we will continue with our schedule of 3 chapters a week.

Do consider supporting us through donation as it motivates us to work harder and we would be able to put out more chaps as sponsored releases. Thank You and we hope you guys enjoy the chap!

Chapter 007-Black Market First Shopping

Master Hunter K Chap 006 is out!

Hello everybody:) It was amazing seeing the positive response we gained from the community towards the novel:) Now we bring to you the next chapter which is the 8th chapter of Master Hunter K!

This is also our first regular release of this week:) with 2 more being released this week on wednesday and friday. If you have enjoyed our work please do consider supporting us through donation if you can. Itll help us to pump out more chapters and expand ourselves:)


Chapter 006- Greenskin Wildlands(6)